Principal’s address for the new Academic Year 2020-21

From the desk of Principal, Nhitm

Dear Parents,

Greetings from Nhitm!

Hope you and your child are keeping safe and healthy in this pandemic situation.  Last four months have been testing time for the students and for the educators as well, about how to carry out learning uninterrupted from the home.

However, we at NHITM had a plan and a team of dedicated teachers supported by robust Digital learning platform. Using Digital NHITM platform, we could deliver and complete academics for the previous academic year successfully. I am glad to announce, all our faculty and students participated and delivered exceptionally well in such an unprecedented and challenging situation from the safety of home.

We would like to share about our student’s engagement in this lockdown period. All our students have been assigned personalized email id through which they can access Nhitm cloud for study materials, resources, recorded videos. All our study materials, assignments and Journal write-ups are uploaded in digital format and assignments are submitted back in digital format by the students. Throughout the lockdown period, online lectures were conducted from 9.00 am to 4 pm using Google meet till April 30, 2020 and 100% syllabus was completed. Attendance of the students was also monitored.

To prepare the students for University exams, preliminary exam was conducted after the completion of syllabus using its own online platform with 97% attendance of the students. Also, using IIT Bombay Virtual Lab, we could complete lab activities on time.

Internship program was also launched and all the students were encouraged to undergo projects to enhance their learning experience. We tied up with Coursera, an E-learning platform, and many of our students are undergoing certification programs by various premium global Universities free of cost.

As you all know, the University of Mumbai has promoted all the students to the next academic year, we will be starting with the Academic year 2020-21 from July 13, 2020.  Till the situation eases, we will be conducting lectures and practical demonstrations online and your child can participate in academics from safety of home. We will be switching to regular mode as and when we get clear instructions from the University. Please ensure a desktop/laptop and a net connection for your child to attend the classes.

Also, you are requested to complete the admission process of your ward by submitting online admission form before July 12. 2020. 

Class timetables and academic calendar shall be published on the website for your reference. We are available for your valuable feedback and suggestions. Please feel free to write to us to know about child’s progress. Contact details and email ids of all the faculty are available on the website.


Principal, Nhitm