In the current fast developing world, students should be able to cope up with technological development. The institute encourages students to initiate the development of prototypes, participate in technical competitions, workshops, research conventions. This enables them to seamlessly integrate with the professional environment in the future.
NHITM offers a concentration in Technology Innovation for undergraduates majoring in any field of engineering that adds another dimension to the bachelor’s degree at a time when the demand for engineers with hands-on experience in interdisciplinary fields is growing.


NHITM closely coordinates with the core industries for implanting field training and industrial visits. Students are trained by experts from the industries on trending technologies.
We have signed MOU’s with various leading Industries to provide refined engineering talent.
Research Papers Published in AY 2022-23
[1] | Muskan Shiakh,Mrunalini Trubhuvan Diksha Tribhuvan,Siddhi Salaskar,Priyanka Gurao Piezoelectric Tyre,GIS SCIENCE JOURNAL, UGC CARE GROUP-II,VOLUME 10 ISSUE 4 ,APRIL 2023,ISSN NO.1869-9391,PAPER ID:GSJ/10517 |
[2] | Krishan Aggarwal,Satyam Singh Singh,Shubhankar Naik,Omkar Gurav,Shrikant Baste, Intelligent Driver Monitoring system for steering wheel,GIS Science Journal,UGC care group-II,VOLUME 6,iSSUE 4,APRIL 2023,Paper Id:GSJ-10508 |
[3] | Viashnav Patil,Nihar Fadnis,Prathmesh yeole, Anish Kulkarni,Ganesh Mhatre, Rain Water Energy Harvesting ,Gradiva Review Journal,UGC care approve group-II journal,Volume 9,Issue 5,May 2023,Paper id :GRJ5442 |
[4] |
Chinmay Yeole,Suyash Satam,Aniket Sherigar ,Athang Deshbhratar,Chandraprakash Zode Unmanned Gun system,GIS SCIENCE JOURNAL,UGC CARE APPROVED GROUP -II,VOLUME 10 ISSUE 5,MAY 2023,,ISSN NO.1869-9391,PAPER ID GSJ10544 |
[5] |
Hiraj Khawle, Shubham Pawar, Harsh Panchal, Dr.Sanjay Sharma, Use of IoT in Aquaponics and Aquaculture Systems, INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF SCIENTIFIC RESEARCH IN ENGINEERING AND MANAGEMENT (IJSREM),VOLUME: 07 ISSUE: 05 | MAY – 2023, ISSN: 2582-3930 |
[6] |
Aniket Shinde, Kavita Rathod, Nishchal Tayade, Dr.S.BrinthaKumari, Digital Image Forgery Detection, International Journal of Scientific Research in Engineering and Management (IJSREM),Volume: 07 Issue: 04 | April – 2023 , ISSN: 2582-3930 |
[7] | Brinthakumari S, Miss. Prerana Kashid, Miss.Aishwarya A Patankar, Mr. Prashant Kamble, READER FOR VISUALLY IMPAIRED PERSONS, International Research Journal of Modernization in Engineering Technology and Science, Volume:05/Issue:04/April-2023, |
[8] |
Praney Shemade, Shubham Tambe,Dr Brinthakumari S,Tejal Khachane, Issue Tracker, International Research Journal of Modernization in Engineering Technology and Science, Volume:05/Issue:04/April-2023, |
[9] | S.Brinthakumari, Priyanka Dhiraj Sananse, Punam Bagul, mSVM:An Appraoch for Customer Churn Prediction Using modified Support Vector Machine and Various Machine learning Techniques, The Ciencia & Engenharia- Science & Engineering Journal,Volume 11, Issue 1,May-2023,ISSN:0103-944X |
[10] | Amandeep Singh Bhatti Kshitij Pritish Bharambe Shubham Nilesh Kannaujiya ,Ms. Megha Gupta, BLOCKCHAIN BASED SOLUTION FOR LAND REGISTRATION, GRADIVA REVIEW JOURNAL, ISSN NO : 0363-8057 |
[11] | Ms. Anuja Arunkumar Nandilathu, Ms. Sakshi Mahendra Naik, Mr. Kanish Ashok Jain, Mrs. Megha V Gupta WILDLIFE CONSERVATION USING DEEP, LEARNING, GIS SCIENCE JOURNAL, VOLUME 10, ISSUE 4, 2023, ISSN NO : 1869-9391 |
[12] | Pushkaraj Kulkarni, Shrushti Kumatkar, Shubham Nandgaonkar, Ms Megha V Gupta, Trust Computation in WSNs, GRADIVA REVIEW JOURNAL, VOLUME 9 ISSUE 4 2023, ISSN NO : 0363-8057 |
[13] | Shraddha Chavan,Kshitija Kakade,Vasant Jyoti,Mrs. Rachana Borole, PATH TRACING ROBOT, International Research Journal of Modernization in Engineering Technology and Science, Volume:05/Issue:04/April-2023, e-ISSN: 2582-5208 |
[14] | Chakshusya Rai, Praduman Thakur,Gaurav Dhoke, Rachana Borole, Virtual Reality Shooter Game for Meta Quest, International Journal of Scientific Research in Engineering and Management (IJSREM) Volume: 07 Issue: 04 | April – 2023 ISSN: 2582-3930 |
[15] | Jyoti Choudhary , Sagar Kandu, Armash Momin, Ms. Yogita Chavan FOREST FIRE PREDICTION, International Journal of Scientific Research in Engineering and Management (IJSREM), Volume: 07 Issue: 04 | April – 2023 , ISSN: 2582-3930 |
[16] | 16. Sushant Dawane , Kamla Vishwakarma,Prince Kori, Yogita Chavan, Deepfake Detection Using Deep Learning, INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF INNOVATIVE RESEARCH IN TECHNOLOGY, © April 2023| IJIRT | Volume 9 Issue 11 | ISSN: 2349-6002 |
[17] | Mr. Piyush Meshram, Miss. Srushti Sawant, Mr. Yash Gawand, Mr. Aayush Trivedi Prof. Nirali Arora BITCOIN ANALYSIS AND PREDICTION, International Journal of Scientific Research in Engineering and Management (IJSREM) Volume: 07 Issue: 05 | May – 2023 ,ISSN: 2582-3930 |
[18] | Atharva Karekar,Aakansha Gharate ,Ravish Shaikh LIP READING USING DEEP LEARNING, International Research Journal of Modernization in Engineering Technology and Science ( Peer-Reviewed, Open Access, Fully Refereed International Journal ) Volume:05/Issue:04/April-2023 |
[19] | Ashish Gupta, Abhishek Thorat, Rushikesh Elag, Aditya, Bhosale, Shubhra Dhamande Review on Analysis and Comparison between Diagrid and Conventional structures using Etabs (International Journal of Advances in Engineering and Management (IJAEM) Volume 5, Issue 3 March 2023, pp: 1418-1422 ISSN: 2395-5252) |
[20] | Tejal Patil1, Dishank Raut2, Vaibhav phatangare3, Dipesh Dhadave4, Shubhra Dhamande5 Prevention of steel rebar from corrosion by using corrosion inhibitors (International Journal of Engineering, Management and Humanities (IJEMH) Volume 4, Issue 2, Mar.-Apr. 2023 pp: 65-68) |
[21] | Dr.Prasenkumar Saklecha ,Gaytari Vijay Ghoderao,Siddhant Gaikwad,,Kunal Ahuja,Yogita Bharati Soil on comparitive analysis of stabilization of soil using different admixtures (International Research Journal Of Modernization In Engineering Technology And Science (IRJMETS), Volume 05, Issue 04, April 2023) |
[22] | Tejas Kharat,Mitanshu Worlikar,Sagar Wagh,Chiranjeevi Hegde Comparison of Rice Husk Ash Concrete and Flyash Concrete (International Research Journal Of Modernization In Engineering Technology And Science (IRJMETS), Volume 05, Issue 04, April 2023) |
[23] | Omkar Paradesi,Sandesh Jadhav,Pankaj Patil,Akshay Jhumle,Chiranjeevi.L.Hegde Improvement of Brick Properties using waste materials (International Journal of Creative Research Thoughts (IJCRT) Volume 11,Issue 4 April 2023) |
[24] | Yashwanthkumar s s, Vedant vichare, Atharva kenjale, Namrata patil and Supriya patil Highway safety with intelligent transportation system (kalwa naka) (International Research Journal Of Modernization In Engineering Technology And Science (IRJMETS), Volume 05, Issue 16, April 2023) |
[25] | Yashwanthkumar s s, Faiyaz ansari, Yogesh ingole, Shubham patil and Yogesh nawale Accident Prevention System for Mountain Roads (International Research Journal Of Modernization In Engineering Technology And Science (IRJMETS), Volume 05, Issue 16, April 2023) |
[26] | Swati Bhangale, Rutuja Munjal, Swapnil Chavan, Dhanashri Patil, Jagruti Patil Stabilization of black cotton soil by using copper slag and fly ash (International Journal of Creative Research Thoughts (IJCRT) Volume 11,Issue 4 April 2023) |
[27] | Swati Bhangale, Sumit Sutar, Hardik Tajne, Sahil Pawar, Prathmesh Solankar Comparative study ferrocement and RCC structure (International Research Journal Of Modernization In Engineering Technology And Science (IRJMETS), Volume 05, Issue 16, April 2023) |
[28] | Dr.Prasenkumar Saklecha, Tejaswini R Narayane, John Livingston, Bhagyashri Rajesh Batwalkar, Ishika Sunil Sonawane Soil Exploration and geotechnical Design of a foundation, International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology, Impact factor 8.226 e-ISSN:2395-00756, Volume 4 Issue 10 April 2023 |
[29] | Mrs. Resma B Vijay, Nikunj Dolasiya, Vidya Gaikwad, Ajay Yadav, Hareshwar Jadhav, Blackcotton Soil Stabilization Using Plastic Fibre, Rice Husk Ash And Cacl2, International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology, Impact factor 8.226 e-ISSN:2395-0056, Volume 10 Issue 4 April 2023 |
[30] | Resma B. Vijay, Hritik Kharuk, Sameer Kobal, Omkar Bharmal , Prashik Rupwate , Smog Absorbing Concrete , International Research Journal of Modernization in Engineering Technology and Science , e-ISSN: 2582-5208 , Volume 5 Issue 4 April 2023 |
[31] | Swara Bambade, , CARDON REBELLO, MAYURESH VAITY, RAHUL KUWAR, HARSH ADHAV, ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT ASSESSMENT FOR PROPOSED CONSTRUCTION IN MULUND, International Journal of Creative Research Thoughts (IJCRT) Volume 11,Issue 4 April 2023, e-ISSN:2395-0056 |
[32] | KETAN BAGAVE, PRATIK SINGH, PRAVINKUMAR SANTHOSHKUMAR MOURYA, INDUSTRIAL WASTE WATER TREATMENT BY ADSORPTION PROCESS BY USING COCONUT HUSK, International Research journal Modernization in Engineering and Technology Impact factor 7.868 e-ISSN: 2582-5208 Volume 5 Issue 4 April 2023 |
[33] | Siddhi Salunkhe, Ritika Khedkar, Swapnali Deshmukh, Roshani Gaikwad, Jayesh Dhuri. “MICROCONTROLLER BASED PROTECTION OF INDUCTION MOTOR AGAINST SINGLE PHASING & OVERHEATING”. IJNRD | Volume 8, Issue 5 May 2023 | ISSN: 2456-4184 |
[34] | Shivshankar Taywadde, Harsh Poojari, Arish Momin “Synchronization of Power System”, International Research Journal of Modernization in Engineering Technology and Science, ISSN-2582-5208 Volume 5, Issue 04, April 2023 |
[35] | Mahesh Koyande, Bhavik Parmar, Mayur Chaudhari, Akshay Khandekar, Suhas Waghmare “IOT Based Weather Reporting System.” , International Research Journal of Modernization in Engineering Technology and Science, ISSN-2582-5208 Volume 5, Issue 04, April 2023 |
[36] | Chinmay Chavan, Unnat Paatil, Ashutosh Edave, Akash Nagare “IOT based SMART agriculture monitoring system” , International Research Journal of Modernization in Engineering Technology and Science, ISSN-2582-5208 Volume 5, Issue 04, April 2023 |
[37] | Gaurav Redekar, Pravin Nagane, Jatin Ghone, Vijay Chhatre, Mr. Ganesh Mhatre “IOT bassed transformer parameter monitoring.” , International Research Journal of Modernization in Engineering Technology and Science, ISSN-2582-5208 Volume 5, Issue 04, April 2023 |
[38] | Jayesh Magar, Rakesh Gadhave, Sahil Devare, Parag Gosavi, Mr. Niranjan Kulkarni “The Underground Cable Fault Detection Using IOT”, International Research Journal of Modernization in Engineering Technology and Science, ISSN-2582-5208 Volume 5, Issue 04, April 2023 |
[39] | Aakash Yadav, Suhas Waghmare “Handwritten Text Recognition Using Tensorflow”, International Research Journal of Modernization in Engineering Technology and Science, ISSN-2582-5208 Volume 5, Issue 04, April 2023 |
[40] | Avinash Suradkar, Sanchit Rane, Rishikesh Gawali, Aditya Dalvi, Mrs. Sangita Nikumbh “Wireless Electric Vehicle Charging Station”, International Research Journal of Modernization in Engineering Technology and Science, ISSN-2582-5208 Volume 5, Issue 04, April 2023 |
[41] | Yukta Sawant, Kunal Pathare, Sahil Sane, Rakesh Patel, Sachin Shinde Yukta Sawant, Kunal Pathare, Sahil Sane, Rakesh Patel, “Solar Inverter With Wireless Home Automation System” International Journal Of Advance Research , Ideas And Innovations In Technology, ISSN/ISBN No.-2454-132X |
[42] | Dr. Satish M.Silaskar Hybrid Power Generation System – A Review International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology (IRJET) e-ISSN: 2395-0056 ,p-ISSN: 2395-0072 ,Volume:09 , Issue:04,Apr 2022,pp 1-4 |
[43] | Dr. Satish M.Silaskar “A Review Paper on Computational Study of Earth Tube Heat Exchanger System”, International Journal for Research in Applied Science & Engineering Technology (IJRASET),(UGC care listed No.45842) Volume 10 Issue IV Apr 2022, PP 2960-2964 (UGC care listed No.45842) |
[44] | Dr. Satish M.Silaskar Design and Development of Airfoil for Small Capacity Wind Turbine: A Review International Journal for Research in Applied Science & Engineering Technology (IJRASET) ISSN: 2321-9653 Volume 10 Issue VI June 2022, (UGC care listed No.45842) |
[45] | Dr. Satish M.Silaskar “Design and Development of Airfoil for Small Capacity Wind Turbine: A Review International Journal for Research in Engineering Application & Management (IJREAM) (UGC care listed No.-64077)ISSN: 2454-9150 Vol-08, Issue-01, APR2022 pp-67-70 (UGC care listed No.-64077) |
[46] | Dr. Satish M.Silaskar “Review on Design of Mechanism for Making of Different Earthen Wares on Potter Wheel” Publish in the Journal of Harbin Institute of Technology, Harbin Institute of Technology, Scopus Indexing, ISSN: 0367-6234. Vol. 54 Iss. 4 2022 pp-202-206 |
[47] | Dr. Satish M.Silaskar Efficient Linux Enabled Computing Environment” , ICAECT (Gradiva Review Journal), ICAECT-2022 (Scopus Indexing) , April 7 – 8, 2022, ISSN: 0363-8057 |
[48] | Dr. Satish M.Silaskar “Design and Analysis of Pharma Tableting Tools for Improvement of Productivity and Tool life” ICAECT-2022, Gradiva Review Journal, ISSN: 0363-8057 (Scopus Indexing) , April 7 – 8, 2022, ISSN: 0363-8057 |
[49] | Ms Hetal Purohit Design and Analysis of New Airfoil and Blade for Micro- Capacity Horizontal Axis Wind Turbine Using QBlade Tool, IEEE Xplore, 2022 5th International Conference on Advances in Science and Technology, IEEE, Feb 16, 2022, PP 531-536 |
[50] | Mr. Avesh Cheulkar DYNAMIC CHARGING OF ELECTRIC VEHICLE USING MATLAB SIMULINK, International Research Journal of Modernization in Engineering Technology and Science, IRJMETS, Volume:04/Issue:05/May-2022 , e-ISSN: 2582-5208 |
[51] | Mr. Avesh Cheulkar Oxyhydrogen Generator for Automobile Applications- A Review International Journal of Advances in Engineering and Management, IJAEM, Volume 4, Issue 6 June 2022, ISSN: 2395-5252 |
[52] | Mr. Sunil T. Kadam Use and effectiveness of Hydraulic Retarders, International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology , IRJET, Volume: 09 Issue: 05 | May 2022 e-ISSN: 2395-0056 p-ISSN: 2395-0072 |
[53] | Mr. Pravin B Alon Design and Fabrication of Surveillance Robot Using Rocker,Bogie Mechanism. Page Nos: 231- 239, International Research Journalof Modernization in Engineering Technology & Science IRJMETS, Vol-04,Issue-05, May 2022, E-ISSN:2582-5208 |
[54] | Mr. Pravin B Alon, Design, Analysis and optimization of a Lightweight Vehicle’s Leaf Springs . International Journal for Research in Engineering Application & Management IJREAM Vol-08, Issue-01, APR2022 pp-67-70, ISSN:24 54-9150 |
[55] | Dr. Satish M.Silaskar “A Review Paper on Computational Study of Earth Tube Heat Exchanger System”, International Research Journal of Modernization Engineering Technology Science , IRJMETS Volume Issue 04 , April 2023 |
[56] | Dr. Satish M.Silaskar “A Review Paper on Computational Study of Earth Tube Heat Exchanger System”, International Journal of Scientific in Engineering ,IJSE, Volume 07,Issue 04,April 2023 |
[57] | Mr. Avesh Cheulkar DESIGN AND FABRICATION OF AUTOMATIC CAR WASHER, International Research Journal of Modernization in Engineering Technology and Science, IRJMETS, Volume:05/Issue:04/April-2023 |
[58] | Mr. Pravin B Alone Assembling, Improvisation Testing of Electric – Cycle International Journal & Scientific ResearchEngineering and Management(IJSREM), Vol-07, Issue:April- 2023 |
[59] | Mr. Pravin B Alone Review on Design and Analysis Electric Cycle, International Journal of Advances in EngineeringManagement (IJAEM) , Vol-02,Issue-01, pp: 01-052023 |
[60] | Mr. Pravin B Alon, A Review on Design optimization and Analysis of Brake System with Student SAE International SafetyRules, International Journal for Research in Applied Science & Engineering Technology, IJRASET, Vol-10, Issue-V, May 2022, Page Nos: 275-277 , ISSN:23 21-9653 |
[61] | Mayank Patel,Gurshant Singh Raina Sourav Tapare,Vedant Dongarkar Dr Suni Bobade Auto Stellar,International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology,Volume 4,Issue 10,April 2023,Impact Factor 8.226 |
[62] | Harshal Rai,Mihir Udeshi,Gowardhan Legishetty,Ashish Wadkar,Dr. Vilas Mapare Inverse Kinematics of 3 DOF robotic Arm,journal of Engineering computing and architecture,Volume 13 ,Issue 4,2023, ISSN NO:1934-7197,page no.128-132 |
[63] |
Raj Chauhan, Trisha Gupta, Aditya Gidh, Sanjay Sharma, “RAT TRAP: Home Surveillance System using IOT and AI” International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology, Volume 9, Issue 5 May 2022, ISSN: 2395-0072 |
[64] |
Purva Girish Waingankar, Saloni Ratnakar Bhoir, Sejal Kumari Singh, Dr. Sanjay N. Sharma, Training & Placement Web Portal, International Journal of Scientific Research in Engineering and Management (IJSREM), Volume: 07 Issue: 04 | April – 2023 ,ISSN: 2582-3930 |
[65] | Dr.Sanjay Sharma, Vedant Dhoke, Bhavika Jadhav, Kuntal Nevale, Competitive Lag Compensation Featured Multiplayer Shooter Game, International Journal of Scientific Research in Engineering and Management (IJSREM), Volume: 07 Issue: 04 April – 2023,ISSN: 2582-3930 |
[66] | Varad Kulkarni,Chaturbhuj Salgar,Omkar Bhagat Akshay Survase,Preeti Samdani, Solar Based Wireless Electrical Charging vehicle,ISSN NO.0363-8057,PAPER ID GRJ 5098,Volume 9,issue 4,April 2023 |
[67] | Aanchal Gupta, Ipsita Mishra, Pranjal Angne, Dr.Sanjay Sharma, KODR: A Comprehensive Solution for Learning, and Practicing Programming Skills, GRADIVA REVIEW JOURNAL ISSN NO: 0363-8057 |
[68] | Poorvi Nidsoshi,Charmil Shah,Aditya Gadkari,Mayur Panchal,Ganesh Kolekar, Prototype of ECG based Brain Controlled Wheelc hair For Quadriplegic patients,ISSN NO.0363-8057,Paper id:GRJ/5405,GRADIVA REVIEW JOURNAL,Volume 9,Issue 4,April 2023 |
[69] | Gauri Keskar,Shruti Mudrale,Kanad Palav,Muzzamil Sayyed Hydro Powered Car,Gradiva Review Journal Volume 9,issue 4,April 2023,paper id:GRJ/5240 |
[70] | Omkar Jadhav ,Amaan Khan,Pranali Patil Siddesh Nalawade Shrikant Baste Surveillance drone, GIS science journal UGC care group -II ,Volume 9 Issue 4,2023 |
[71] | Kunal Nirmal ,Aditya Shinde,Soham Panchal,Prathmesh Yadav Jayesh Dhuri, Automated four wheeler steering system,International Journal of innovative research and technologyVolume 9,Issue 12,May 2023,paper id 159577 |
[72] | William Muthu,Prasad Chitte,Shririshna Manjrekar,Jonathan Joshi ,Ganesh Kolekar, SCARA Robot with LASER Engraver ,International , Journal of creative research and Thoughts,Volume 11, Issue 4,paper id:IJCRT23A4039 |
Research Papers Published in AY 2021-22
[1] | Raj Chauhan, Trisha Gupta, Aditya Gidh, Dr. Sanjay Sharma, “RAT TRAP: Home Surveillance System using IOT and AI” International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology, Volume 9, Issue 5 May 2022, ISSN: 2395-0072 |
[2] | Jayni Manjrekar, Manali Pandit, Sonali Salvi, Yogita Chavan, “Smart Mirror using Internet of Things”, International Journal of Creative Research Thoughts, Volume 10, Issue 4 April 2022, ISSN: 2320-2882 |
[3] | Isha Kokate, Siddhi Ghate, Anushree Mandape, Yogita Chavan, “Voice For Rural” International Journal of Creative Research Thoughts, Volume 10 Issue 4 April 2022, ISSN: 2320-2882 |
[4] | Ajit Bandre, Snehal Chinchkar, Ruchira Zope, Sheetal Jadhav, “BeCareful: Personal Safety Application with Scream Detection”, International Journal for Research in Applied Science & Engineering Technology, Volume 10, Issue IV, April 2022, ISSN: 2321 – 9653 |
[5] | Radhika Bhanushali, Chaitanya Agarwal, Tejas Dongare, Dr.Sanjay Sharma, “Student Management System” International Journal for Research in Applied Science & Engineering Technology, Volume 10, Issue VII, July 2022, ISSN: 2321 – 9653 |
[6] | Aishwarya Palvi, Raj Patil, Priyanka Chaudhari, Megha Gupta, “Android Based Heart Rate Monitoring and Automatic Notification System”, International Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research, Volume 13, Issue 4, April 2022, ISSN: 2229 – 5518 |
[7] | Bhushan Birwadkar, Apoorva Gondane, Prajwal Aher, Megha Gupta, “Detection of Covid 19 from Cough Audio using Convolutional Neural Networks”, International Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research, Volume 13, Issue 4, April 2022, ISSN: 2229 – 5518 |
[8] | Yadnesh Chowkekar, Athava Deshmukh, Sakshi Polekar, Yogita Chavan, “Interactive Hologram Using Finger Gestures”, International Journal Of Computer Engineering And Applications Volume Xvi, Issue Iv, April 22, ISSN: 2321-3469 |
[9] | Yash Mhatre, Ritesh Salunkhe, Devansh Dixit, Dr. Sanjay Sharma, “Challenges of Implementing an NFT Marketplace, International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology, Volume 9, Issue 5 May 2022, ISSN: 2395-0072 |
[10] | Apurva R. Suryawanshi, Siddhesh Tari, Nitin Pople, Sunil Bobade, Taruna Sharma, “Ethereum Based System For Coffee Supply Chain Management”, International Journal of Computer Engineering and Applications, Vol XVI, Issue IV, April 2022, ISSN 2321-3469 |
[11] | Yash Worlikar, Sakshi Shinde, Omkar Shingan, Arathi Kamble, “Dynamic 2D Video Using Neural Networks”, International Journal of All Research Education & Scientific Methods, Volume 10 Issue 4, April- 2022, ISSN: 2455-6211 |
[12] | Gaurav Patil, Yash Sanap, Jayesh Sawarkar, Samidha Vengurlekar, “Interior Design Using Augmented Reality Environment”, International Journal of All Research Education & Scientific Methods, Volume 10 Issue 4, April- 2022, ISSN: 2455-6211 |
[13] | Mahesh Dhavane, Shubham Jangle, Rutuja Gopal Arathi Kamble, “Digital ID Verifier using Blockchain”, International Journal of All Research Education & Scientific Methods, Volume 10 Issue 4, April- 2022, ISSN: 2455-6211 |
[14] | Aishwarya Patil, Hritik Londhe, Shubham Kadave, Megha V. Gupta, “Deep Learning Approach To Restore Old Image Back To Life”, International Journal of Computer Engineering and Applications, Vol XVI, Issue IV, April 2022, ISSN 2321-3469 |
[15] | Akshata Salian, Purna Nandiboina, Shweta Akhadmal, Megha V. Gupta, “Realistic Face Image Generation Based On Gan”, International Journal of Computer Engineering and Applications, Vol XVI, Issue IV, April 2022, ISSN 2321-3469 |
[16] | Aditya Parte, Ninad Shinde, Tejas Tawde, Taruna Sharma, “Image Caption Generator using CNN and LSTM”, International Journal of All Research Education & Scientific Methods, Volume 10 Issue 5, May- 2022, ISSN: 2455-6211 |
[17] | Omkar Kachare, Nikhil Jadhav, Sachin Kanojiya, Sheetal Jadhav, “Augmented Reality Based Learning App for Children with Hearing Disorder”, International Journal for Research in Applied Science & Engineering Technology, Volume 10, Issue IV, April 2022, ISSN: 2321-9653 |
[18] | Aarti B. Mastud, Svara R. Masurekar, Adarshsingh M. Mokashi, Aarti Abhyankar, “Detection Of Malicious Social Bots Using Url Features”, International Journal Of Computer Engineering And Applications, Volume Xvi, Issue Iv, April 22, ISSN 2321-3469 |
[19] | Swarangi Sanjay Ghodvinde, Mukta Milind Tanksale, Megha Yashvant, Patil Pranali Patil, “IOT Based Industrial Plant Safety Gas Leakage Detection”, International Journal for Research in Applied Science & Engineering Technology, Volume 10, Issue IV, April 2022, ISSN: 2321-9653 |
[20] | Adwait Sawant, Rohit Tichkule, Nihal Shetty, “Hideout: The Socializing App”, International Journal for Research in Applied Science & Engineering Technology, Volume 10, Issue IV, April 2022, ISSN: 2321-9653 |
[21] | Yogita Chavan, Darshan Chandbodhle, Vikas Chaudhary, Dileep Kumar Jha, “Three Level Image Password Authentication System”, International Journal of All Research Education and Scientific Methods, Volume 10, Issue 5, May-2022, ISSN: 2455-6211 |
[22] | Dr. Prasenkumar Saklecha, Ritesh Das, Sanskruti Mhatre, Aniket Kamble and Shekhar Kajave Design and Experimental Analysis on Bubble Deck SlabInternationalJournal of scientific Research in Engineering and Management [IJSREM-2022]International 2022 |
[23] | Dhanashri Joshi, Vaishnavi Kulkarni, Soham patil, Niraj Zambre and Divya Malve An Experimental study on Effect of CO2 on Steel Embedded in ConcreteInternational Journal of Advances in Engineering and Management [IJAEM-2022]International 2022 |
[24] | Dhanashri Joshi, Abhishek Pawar, Salonee Rangnekar, Sanket Patil and Shreyas Beldar Study on Curtailment of Concrete Curing Time-Span using CO2International Journal of Advances in Engineering and Management [IJAEM-2022] International 2022 |
[25] | Dhanashri Joshi, Borse Shamal, Kedar Harshada, Sawale Riya and Tare Divya Storm Water Management By New TechniquesInternationalJournal of scientific Research in Engineering and Management [IJSREM-2022] International 2022 |
[26] | Swati Bhangale, Shruti Bagate,Akansha More Utilization of waste plastic for soil stabilizationInternational journal of modernization in Engineering Technology and Science IRJETS-2022 International 2022 |
[27] | Swati Bhangale,Bramhesh Kamble,Akshay Chavhan,Siddhesh Jadhav,Harsh Jaiswar Use of Concrete canvas in various civil engineering applicationsInternational journal of modernization in Engineering Technology and Science IRJETS-2022 International 2022 |
[28] | Swara Bambade, Pallavi Khairnar, Rupali Mane, Shushma Bhabhad,Priti Pawar Performance and Analysis of Non Ballasted Railway TrackInternational journal of modernization in Engineering Technology and Science IRJES-2022 International 2022 |
[29] | Swara Bambade, Abhay Singh, Nikita Kevale, Neha Gad, Kshitij Waghule Experiment study n Agrowaste Block using Agricultural and Industrial wasteInternational journal of modernization in Engineering Technology and Science IRJES-2022 International 2022 |
[30] | Shubham Raghvani,Niheeta Harwande, Piyush Khose, Nikhil Ubale and Siddhartha Ray Review On Comparative Study Of International Codal Provision For Precast ConstructionInternational Journal of Scientific and Research Publications International Volume 12, Issue 4, April 2022 ISSN 2250-3153 |
[31] | Aamir Patel, Kiran Shinde, Atharva Sakpal, Siddhi Surve and Siddhartha Ray A Review on Comparative Understanding of European and Indian Precast StructureInternational Journal of Research in Engineering Science and Management International Vol. 5, Issue No. 4, PP. 87–91, Apr. 2022. ISSN (Online): 2581-5792 |
[32] | Dipesh Sambare, Vaibhav Sangale, Siddesh Shendkar, Sanket Shewale and Siddhartha Ray A Review on Comparative Analysis of Precast Construction TechniquesInternational Journal of Technology and Emerging Science Volume International Volume 2, Issue 02, April 2022 E-ISSN:2583:1925 |
[33] | Shubhra Dhanmande, Omkar Phatak, Omkar Shinde, Pratik Talekar, Roshan Patil A Sustainability Approach Towards Use of Plastic Waste in Bituminous RoadInternational Research Journal of Engineering & Technology [ IRJET- 2022]International 2022 |
[34] | Shubhra Dhanmande, Ishwar Patil,Pranit Pawar,Heramb Pawar Rohit Yadav GREY WATER REUSE FOR TOILET FLUSHINGInternational Research Journal of Modernization in Engineering Technology and Science [IRJMETS-2022]International 2022 |
[35] | Yashwanth Shetty, Ankita Shirke, Pranit Parad, Swapnil Mangaonkar and Divyaraj More An Experimental Study On EPS Core Panel SystemInternational Research Journal of Modernization in Engineering Technology and Science [IRJMETS-2022]International 2022 |
[36] | Shubhra Dhanmande, Ishwar Patil,Pranit Pawar,Heramb Pawar Rohit Yadav GREY WATER REUSE FOR TOILET FLUSHINGInternational Research Journal of Modernization in Engineering Technology and Science [IRJMETS-2022]International 2022 |
[37] | Yashwanth Shetty, Ankita Shirke, Pranit Parad, Swapnil Mangaonkar and Divyaraj More An Experimental Study On EPS Core Panel SystemInternational Research Journal of Modernization in Engineering Technology and Science [IRJMETS-2022]International 2022 |
[38] | Yashwanth Shetty, Priyanka Gaikwad, Shamesh Rasal, Vinayak Desale and Saurabh Burud Smog Absorbing ConcreteInternational Research Journal of Engineering and Technology [IRJET-2022]International 2022 |
[39] | Yashwanth Shetty, Harsh Patil, Roshan Veer, Prerana Samjiskar and Anushka Gadge An Experimental Study On The Utilization Of Steel Slag Aggregate For Performance Enhancement Of Bubble Deck SlabInternational Research Journal of Modernization in Engineering Technology and Science [IRJMETS-2022]International 2022 |
[40] | Deepak Ahirrao, Geeta Lingarkar, Arati Mane, Harshala Tare and Alkesh Bhalerao Analysis and Design comparison of conventional steel building with pre-engineered building with provision of mezzanine floorInternational Journal of Scientific Research in Engineering and Management [ IJSREM-2022]International Volume 06, Issue 4, April 2022 ISSN 2582-3930 |
[41] | Aditi Bhasme, Adit Vetkar, Devyani Mohite Study and Design of roundabout at anandnagarInternational Research Journal of Modernization in Engineering Technology and Science [IRJMETS-2022]International Volume 04, Issue 5, May 2022ISSN 2582-5208 |
[42] | Shinde Praful Anandsing, Nirgun Saishyam Gangaram, Shelke Gaurav Devidas, Kulye Sandesh Suresh, Ganesh Mhatre. “Feeder Protection System from Earth fault, Short circuit and Overload Faults”,International Research Journal of Modernization in Engineering Technology and Science, e-ISSN:2582-5208, Volume:09/Issue:04/April-2022 Impact Factor- 7.529 |
[43] | Waknis Afziya Afzal, Keni Ritesh Rajendra, Mirke Sunny Rajesh , Rajput Sonukumar Rameshchandra, Yadav Shubham Rajeshkumar, Dr. Niranjan Kulkarni. “Decibel Meter using IOT with Notice Board”, International Research Journal of Modernization in Engineering Technology and Science, e-ISSN:2582-5208, Volume:09/Issue:04/April-2022 Impact Factor- 7.529 |
[44] | Sawaratkar Jayesh Dinesh, Ghosalkar Veena Kishor, Karedla Devayani Suresh, Sarkar Saujeet Sanjay Kumar, Mrs. Mohini Kher. “Automatic Car Parking System using PLC”, International Research Journal of Modernization in Engineering Technology and Science, e-ISSN:2582-5208, Volume:09/Issue:04/April-2022 Impact Factor- 7.529 |
[45] | Kasture Mrinal Parag, Kushwaha Naveenkumar Jugalkishor, Mistry Rohan Snehalkumar, Talekar Kalpesh Praful, Sangita Nikumbh. “Face Recognition using Raspberry PI for Door Lock System.”, International Research Journal of Modernization in Engineering Technology and Science, e-ISSN:2582-5208, Volume:09/Issue:04/April-2022 Impact Factor- 7.529 |
[46] | Dudwadkar Saurabh Ravindranath, Deshmukh Digvijay Digambar, Kunwar Suraj Harish, Survase Siddhant Sopan, Suhas Waghmare. “Object Identification using Deep Learning”, International Journal of Engineering Research & Technology, ISSN:2278-0181, Volume:11/Issue:04/April-2022 |
[47] | Yukta Sawant, Kunal Pathare, Sahil Sane, Rakesh Patel “Solar Inverter With Wireless Home Automation System” International Journal Of Advance Research , Ideas And Innovations In Technology, ISSN/ISBN No.-2454-132X, Impact Factor: 6.078 |
[48] | Hirve Shubham, Wadke Rugved, Nhavelkar Prajot “Design And Analysis of Aerospike for SSTO (Single- Stage-To-Orbit), |
[49] | Pankaj Shahu, Narendra Pogul, Parikshit Pandey, Shreekar Rahate “ A Review Design Optimization And Analysis of Brake System with Student International Safety Rules” IJRASET, ISSN No- 2321-9653, Impact Factor-7.42 |
[50] | Parth Parab, Akshad Samanta, Nilesh Kokkula, Sahil Ayakar “Solar- Powered Automatic Braking System and Bumper Actuation with Bluetooth Control” , International Journal Of Advance Research , Ideas And Innovations In Technology, ISSN/ISBN No.-2454-132X, Impact Factor: 6.078 |
[51] | GAJBHIYE SUDHANSHU, Dongare Nayan, Abhishek Devalkar “Pyrolysis Of Plastic Waste In Fuels” , International Research Journal Of Engineering and Technology (IRJET), ISSN/ISBN No.-2395-0056, Impact Factor: 7.52 |
[52] | Hybrid Power Generation System – A Review International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology (IRJET) e-ISSN: 2395-0056 Volume: 09 Issue: 04 | Apr 2022 p-ISSN: 2395-0072 |
[53] | “A Review paper on Computational Study of Earth Tube Heat Exchanger System” ,International Journal for Research in Applied Science and Engineering Technology,26 April’2022 |
[54] | Use and effectiveness of Hydraulic Retarders.International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology (IRJET) Volume: 09 Issue: 05 | May 2022. e-ISSN: 2395-0056. p-ISSN: 2395-0072 |
[55] | Design and construction of Piezoelectric Solar Panel International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology (IRJET) e-ISSN: 2395-0056 Volume: 09 Issue: 04 | Apr 2022 p-ISSN: 2395-0072 |
[56] | “Design and Fabrication of Surveillance Robot using Rocker Bogie Mechanism”, International Research Journal of Modernization in Engineering Technology and Science, Volume 04/May-2022 ISSN 2582-5208 |
[57] | Oxyhydrogen Generator for Automobile Applications- A Review. International Journal of Advances in Engineering and Management (IJAEM) Volume 4, Issue 6 June 2022, pp: 810-815 ISSN: 2395-5252 |
[58] | DYNAMIC CHARGING OF ELECTRIC VEHICLE USING MATLAB SIMULINK. International Research Journal of Modernization in Engineering Technology and Science Volume:04/Issue:05/May-2022 Impact Factor- 6.752, e-ISSN: 2582-5208 |
[59] | Mr. Ajaykumar Manjarikar, Mr. Rushikesh Gayakhe, Mr. Harshad Jadhav, Mr. Minendra Surve , Dr. Prashant Deshmukh, Dr. Satish Silaskar.”Design and Development of Light Motor Vehicle Exhaust System for Emission Control and Noise Reduction”, Volume 10, Issue VII, International Journal for Research in Applied Science and Engineering Technology (IJRASET) Page No: 15-19, ISSN : 2321-9653, |
[60] | Mr. Minendra Surve*5, B. T. (2022). DESIGN AND ANALYSIS OF REGENERATIVE BRAKING USING DUAL ENERGY STORAGE SYSTEM IN ELECTRIC VEHICLE. International Research Journal of Modernization in Engineering Technology and Science, 04(06), 1920-1927. |
[61] | Mr. Minendra Surve, Mr. Sahil Sawant, Mr. Tanay Zambare, Mr. Aniket Shinde, Mr. Sushil Gopal, Dr. Prashant Deshmukh, Dr. Satish Silaskar.”Design and Development of Airfoil for Small Capacity Wind Turbine: A Review”, Volume 10, Issue VI, International Journal for Research in Applied Science and Engineering Technology (IJRASET) Page No: 554-559, ISSN : 2321-9653, DOI : |
[62] | Automated selective Dismantling for waste electrical and electronic equipment recycling International journal of engineering Research and TechnologyISSN:2278:0108 ,VOLUME 11, ISSUE4, |
[63] | Compact Oxyvent ,at international conference of advances in electronics and computer engineering,April 7 ,2022 |
[64] | Gesture control forklift,international Research Journal of Engineering and Technology,issn 2395-0056 volume 9,issue 5,Impact factor 7.529 |
[65] | Evolution of automatic sorting system for industry 4.2 at international conference of advances in electronics and computer engineering,April 7 ,2022 |
[66] | Design and review of snake robot and locomotion International Journal of Advances in Engineering and management,volume 4,issue 4,ISSN:2395-5252 |
[67] | Development of an autonomous vacuum robot,International conference on Construction ,mechanical and industrial management, paper id:AS-CMIE-BGLR-260422-601 |
[68] | Design and fabrication of Automated Multilevel Car parking system,International Research journal of Engineering and Technology,ISSN:2395-0072,IMPACT FACTOR 7.529 |
[69] | Smart Helmet System,International Research journal of Engineering and Technology,ISSN:2395-0072,IMPACT FACTOR 7.529 |
[70] | Prosthetic Palm,International conference on construction ,Mechanical and Industrial Engineering.paper id:AS-CMIE-blgr-260422-600 |
[71] | Static Structural Analysis of Chassis in Compliance with International rules of a Prototype Formula Style Vehicle ISSN :2395-0056 Impact factor:7.529 |
[72] | Modification of bladeless fan International Research journal of Engineering and Technology,ISSN:2395-0072,IMPACT FACTOR 7.529 |
[73] | GSM operated Solar vehicle, at international conference of advances in electronics and computer engineering,April 7 ,2022 |
[74] | Hydro Rescuer, International Conference of Advances of Electronics and Computer Technology, April 8,2022 |
[75] | Mini Rice Processing Unit,paper published in International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology,issn 2395-0056 volume 9,issue 5,Impact factor 7.529 |
[76] | Steering system with dynamics of prototype of formula style vehicle,in International journal of Modernization in engineering technology and science,Volume 4,Issue 5,ISSN:2582-5208 |
[77] | Wheel Assembly of suspension correlation of formula style vehicle in International journal of Modernization in engineering technology and science,Volune 4,Issue 5,ISSN:2582-5208 |
[78] | Smart infirmary trolly,paper published in International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology,issn 2395-0056 volume 9,issue 5,Impact factor 7.529 |
[79] | IoT based surveillance Rover,International Research journal of Engineering and Technology,ISSN:2395-0072,IMPACT FACTOR 7.529 |
[80] | Gas Leak Notifier over phone message, GIS SCIENCE journal Volume 9,ISSUE5 |
[81] | Mini smart Robot,Journal of emerging technologies and Innovative research,ISSN:2349-5162, Volume 9 Issue4,May 2022 |
Funded Projects
AY 2020-21
Name of the Project/ Endowments, Chairs | Name of the Principal Investigator/Co-investigator | Department of Principal Investigator | Year of Award | Amount Sanctioned( in Lakhs) | Duration of the project | Name of the Funding Agency |
KINETICS OF PLUG FLOW VERMICOMPOSTING | Dhanashri Joshi / Shubhra Dhamande | Civil Engineering | 2020 | 0.3 | 1year | University of Mumbai |
Safeguard Data for fog network | Rushikesh Rajendra Nikam / Mohd. Azmat Javed | Computer Engineering | 2020 | 0.2 | 1year | University of Mumbai |
Material Engineering of Semiconductor Photocatalyst for Waste Water Treatment | Aparna Kulkarni / Dr. Ranjana Verma | HAS department | 2020 | 0.6 | 1year | University of Mumbai |
Analysis and optimization of pharma tableting radial tools | Satish M Silaskar/Prathmesh Choughule | Mechanical Engineering | 2020 | 0.35 | 1year | University of Mumbai |
Comparative study of Bio-Fuels & diesel on CI Engine | Pravin B Alone/Prathmesh Choughule | Mechanical Engineering | 2020 | 0.21 | 1year | University of Mumbai |
Smart Path Detector | Dr. Niranjan T. Kulkarni / Dr. Vilas V. Mapare | Electronics and Electrical Engineering | 2020 | 0.35 | 1year | University of Mumbai |